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le livre des harmoniques
14 septembre 2016

The Harmonics Oracle: les Harmoniques en Anglais!



Les Harmoniques abordent le monde sous un regard neuf, et plus ouvert... elles vont voyager car elles ont appris l'anglais!

Sous la double impulsion de mon ami Jean-Baptiste Lecocq et moi-même, et grâce au travail de notre amie Leslie Horn, voici une synthèse de ce que chaque harmonique signifie dans la langue de Shakespeare. (ici, le lien de leur site -->)


Tout cela pour vous dire que très bientôt, une version anglaise du jeu de cartes sera diffusée sur la boutique des Harmoniques.

Et ce n'est que le début!

See You!!


The Harmonics Oracle


1 Source of Life

Creation, initiative.

Inception, creation, beginning. The Source is the starting point of everything, the white page. The horizon is clear, virgin, there is just to take an initiative. This card is linked to the notion of creation itself, of life but also to the water, source of every life form.


2 Sacred fire


Energy, power, action.

The Sacred Fire refers to our energy, our power of action. It talks to us about our capacity of transformation, of progress, of technique. It is the energy in its broad meaning, that propagates in the matter (the fire) but also in the invisible. It questions us about the way we use our inner fire, if we drain it or whether how we use the knowledge we have to channel that energy.


3 Body of the World 

Travel, sense of direction, thought.

The Body of the world refers to the journeys, as much as in space or in spirit. It widens our perception of the world; it opens our mind to bigger perspectives. It also refers to the World as a place to explore: cities, nations and what is abroad.


4 Mother-Earth


Matter, present moment, material world.

The Mother-Earth refers to the connection between the present and  our reality, through Nature, the Earth, the body. She invites us to live in the present moment, to be aware of the daily life reality. It encourages manifestation, anchoring, realization of projects. It also symbolizes women, mothers, wives.


5 The Inner Self

Interiority, intimacy, emotional bonding.

The inner self refers to the inner life, the feelings, the private sphere. It invites us to create a bubble of protection around us, to remain vigilant towards external aggressions. It advises us to bring our focus back on our true self, to get in touch with our intuition, to listen to our heart.


5 Angels Voice


The Angels voice is about communication in the broadest sense and about public life, about what is external to us. It encourages us to get out of our home and use different ways to express ourselves, to spread our ideas. Growth, development, propagation, openness, diversity.


7 Seventh Sun


Image, relationship.

The Seventh Sun relates to our personal radiance, that we are brought to accept and share. It symbolizes clarity, beauty and truth. It encourages us to show our true self but also to accept to see the truth, as it is, in its obviousness. The Seventh Sun is also likely to announce good news.


8 Cosmic Serpent

Regeneration, invisible world.

The Cosmic Serpent refers to a regeneration process, a healing, a transformation. It represents the world of mystery, of secrets, of what is hidden and also the death-life cycle. It also relates to the occult knowledge.


9 The Alliance

Beliefs, knowledge, laws.

The Alliance represents the law, the rules but also the divine alliance. It makes us think about our beliefs and invites us to show some confidence, some faith in what we are doing. Commitment, signature, pact.


10 The Crown

Awareness, ascension.

The Crown designates the head: the awareness as well as the mind. It invites us to remember that we are the ones in charge of our life, it empowers us. It symbolizes hierarchy, control, authority.


11 Thunder

Connexion, liberation, assertiveness.

Thunder invites us to stand up for who we are, to accept our difference, our uniqueness. It breaks the circle and removes obstacles. It relates to the unpredicted, the unexpected, the surprise that pops up in a dazzling way.


12 The Orient

Awakening, impetus, beginning of a cycle.

The Orient (or The East) designates the sunrise, the spring, the morning… any beginning of a cycle. It refers to the birth in its broadest sense. The Orient is the awakening, the enthusiasm of the youth, it is a blooming. It invites us to have an overview of a situation, looking at it like an eagle flying high in the sky.


13 The Lotus

Nature, purification, roots.

The Lotus refers to a quest for purity, to a connexion with Nature. It invites us not to neglect our roots, our past, where we come from. Its message asks us getting to the heart of the matter, purifying us from what may have intoxicated us so far. Healing, Nature, respect for the life and the environment, nutrition.


14 Equinox


The equinox indicates the time of the year when day and night are the same length. It refers to the inner balance and invites us to take a stance. The Equinox represents moderation, equality, sharing in fairness and may also indicate a radical reversal, a shift in a situation.


15 The Oracle

The Word.

The Oracle refers to the power of words, the expression of yourself. This card refers to the  listening and to all the careers linked to the expression of one’s voice : singing, teaching, journalism… The Oracle delivers information, a knowledge.  


16 The Mirror


The Mirror talks about our self-image, our self-esteem, our self-knowledge. The card relates to the vision, our analytic sense, our observation skills. It tells us « be yourself ». The Mirror symbolizes the sharp understanding of things, the observation, the scrutinizing, it talks about our ability to be methodical and detail oriented. It helps us making the experience of self-acceptation and regaining our self-esteem.


17 The Moon

Receptivity, awareness of the inner world, intuition, imagination.

The Moon invites us to listen to our inner voice in order not to loose ourselves into the depth of the mind. It asks us to let go and rest in order to regenerate ourselves.


18 Memory

Experience, the accumulation, knowledge.

The Memory means that we are at the end of a cycle; it asks us to leave the past in the past in order to be more aware of the present moment. This card is about what we keep in our life and also about what we should get rid of. The Memory refers to the accumulation of knowledge that we have had through learning, it is the accumulation of our different experiences. Its core message is the following: « Make your own experience. »


19 The Salamander

Heredity, regeneration, renovation.

The Salamander refers to rebuilding oneself, to the creation of a future aside from the elements of the past. This card lays the foundations for a brighter future. It indicates both the start and the end of something : over the remains of the past the future can now take shape. It may also symbolize the reconnexion to something that was lost, the renewal in a relationship, to an alchemical transformation.


20 The Celestial Wheel

Change, progress, transformation.

Relates to time cycles. The Celestial wheel talks about the laws of Time, about the movement, what is in action. It encourages travelling and moving. Its most important message is : « Adapt yourself constantly to changes with fluidity, don’t resist the flow. »


21 The Occident

End of cycle, maturity, accomplishment.

The Occident (or: The West) is about the channelling of the energy, the patience, the force of peace and of inner serenity. It asks us not to give up what we have started, to go to through with it. It encourages travelling and also symbolizes autumn, twilight and wisdom.


22 The Tree

Abundance, growth, network.

The Tree relates to the ramifications among the Universe, just like the branches of a tree. It helps us remember that we are all one, that we are part of a same family and that we have the same roots. The tree symbolizes the anchor, the growth, the fruition and what connects us to one another.


23 The Print

Refocus, identity, intimacy.

The print refers to our identity, why each one of us is unique. It invites us to go have a look within ourselves, to refocus our vision in order to understand who we really are and what we truly want, what we really love: it asks us to care for ourselves. It may also mean that a deal is going to be made, a commitment, a signature, that a mark is going to be left someway.


24 The Messenger

Communication, exchange, spreading ideas, justice.

The messenger brings us information, news but also invites us to pay attention to the signs sent by the Universe. We have the ability to get answers everyday, at any moment of our life. We only need to be aware and to listen carefully but to express ourselves clearly as well. The messenger can also be a sign for a providential help, a support, a guardian angel.


25 The Mask

Image, relationship, partnership.

The mask refers to each person’s role: it invites us to play our own part on the stage of Existence. It may also refer to a partner, a relationship.


26 The Phoenix

Rebirth, Independence, autonomy.

The phoenix card talks about creativity, it represents the inner fire that enables us creating and overcoming the ordeals in our life.  What once seemed lost or broken comes alive again magically. The message of the Phoenix is to trust ourselves again, to believe in our potential and in our abilities: « You can do it! »


27 The Prophet

Vocation, knowledge, teaching.

The Prophet tells you : « Stand for your ideas, only you know the way. »

It is the card that refers to teaching, guides, knowledge transmission but also to opinions and personal beliefs. You know the way, you are walking your own path.


28 The Scarab

Create order from chaos, opportunity, creation.  

The Scarab (or: the Beetle) is about disarray, chaos, something that is overwhelming, maybe a situation in which you are having a hard time finding ways to cope with. The message of the card is for you to take it as an opportunity in order to create something new, to recreate harmony instead over the superficial chaos. This situation is actually a blessing in disguise. The key words of this card are: Chance, luck or misfortune, stroke of luck, coincidence.


29 The New Era

Newness, imagination, release.

The New Era is like the butterfly freed from its chrysalis: after a time for maturation, it is now free and is now ready to fly. The card is about freedom, it asks us to free ourselves from the drama, the obstacles in our daily life, to be creative, to embrace our uniqueness and to simply be free.


30 The Ark

Travels, solitude, healing, challenge.

The Ark asks us to take a step back to spend some time with ourselves in order to figure out what our goals and challenges are but also to focus upon travelling even if it is only inside ourselves. It is a card that refers to a quest, an exploration. It asks that we become more selective, more rational. It helps us go further, to see bigger and higher for our own good.


31 The Palace

Material world, present moment, stability.

The Palace refers to the home as well as the present moment, to the awareness of being there here and now. This card refers to the bodies, the physical sensations. It asks that we listen to our own body needs, our sensations, that we feel the ground under our feet. Our body is the carrier of our soul; it enables us to live in the material world. This card is about structure, stability, safety, about being anchored.


32 The Mystic Rose

Friendship, feeling, love, community.

The mystic rose represents the heart. This card invites us to listen to our heart, to surround ourselves with our best friends, to take care of them, to find beauty in our life. Its message is : « Love what you do, care for your friends, you will make the world a better place ». The Rose is an artist, she is sensitive and calls upon us to reveal our passions, she also refers to love turmoil.


33 The Alphabet

Logic, rationalism, organization.

The Alphabet is the card that represents the Order, the universal organization, the priorities. It defines the world through the wide collectives : societies, other cultures… just like each letter of the alphabet it is on the look for where it should be placed. It asks us to prioritize, to care for each step, to take one thing at a time. What is the « A » in our life? What is the most important thing for me right now? The Alphabet is careful about prejudices and divisions.


34 The Aura

Radiance, presence, collectivity.

The Aura talks about the radiance of our presence and our place in a group or any form of collectivity (family, clan, community, the world in general…). The Aura talks about influences that can be beneficial or harmful. It helps us being aware of others’ perceptions about ourselves. Its core message is the following : « Show your  true colours, Be present in your own life ».


35 The Sphinx

Unity, healing, complimentarity, union of the opposites.

Half-man, half-animal, the Sphinx is both body and spirit. It is the card of duality, of oppositions… It asks us to bring together the opposites to find unity. The opposites then disappear and start functioning together in restored unity. The card relates to the healer, the curer, the fixer… and advises us to accept the help that comes from outside. It means that we can also be that healer and help others.  


36 The Book

Beliefs, faith, destiny, truth.

The book is the last card of the deck. It points out the end of a great cycle and reveals our beliefs about destiny, Life and Death. The book card also refers to the rules, the laws. It is the plan that we have created for ourselves, our personal rights and duties. The message of the Book is the following : « Do things with conviction, with an indestructible faith. Follow your Guides. »




By adding up the numbers of your date of birth, one by one, you’ll find out your new zodiac sign which is also called Birth Harmonic. This is a number between 10 and 36 :  the deck consists 9 Principles and 27 Harmonics ; the 27 harmonics also represent the zodiac signs. Thus, every one of us has his or her own card.

Add the numbers following this example :

A person is born on : 27/12/1977

2+7+1+2+1+9+7+7 = 36.

It may occur that the number you end up with is below 10, so  do as in the prior example :

A person is born on : 10/03/2000

1+0+0+3+2+0+0+0 = 6

In that case, and each time you end up with a number that is below 10, add nine. This person’s harmonic is then : 6+9 = 15.

If you have a number that is above 36 do as so :

A person born on : 29/08/1998

2+9+0+8+1+9+9+8 = 46.

Keep adding the numbers to find that magical number between 10 and 36.

In that case : 46= 4+6 = 10.

 The Harmonics were created by Angelo Lauria, French author and art teacher.



le livre des harmoniques
  • Le blog des harmoniques, nouvelle méthode incluant à la fois l'astrologie, la cartomancie et la numérologie. Créé en 2004, le zodiaque des harmoniques propose une nouvelle vision des arts divinatoires...
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